Librairies Boyer Ltée.
After the holocaust

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After the holocaust

Editeur : University Of Regina Press

Numéro de produit : 9780889777682

ISBN : 9780889777682

34,99 $

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After the Holocaust brings together scholarship, activism, poetry, and personal narratives from some of the last living survivors of the Holocaust to tackle the changing face of Holocaust and human rights education in the 21st century. The collected voices draw on decades of research on the Holocaust and discuss how it can help us understand and educate about a range of human rights issues throughout history, and, in turn, that local histories of other human rights atrocities can shed light on the way the Holocaust is represented and taught. Advancing the dialogue between civic advocacy, public remembrance, and research, the contributors of this edited collection discuss Holocaust education's broad relevance in a human rights framework. / After the Holocaust also focuses on the Canadian context of antisemitism, the legacy of human rights abuses of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, and the internment of Japanese Canadians in World War II, and examines the ways that the Holocaust provided a template for thinking through human rights legislation and memorialization on a global scale after the Holocaust.

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