Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Household hints for the end of time

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Household hints for the end of time

Par :

Editeur : Brick Books

Numéro de produit : 9781771312950

ISBN : 9781771312950

11,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Winner of the 2001 Anne Szumigalski Award for Poetry and shortlisted for the 2001 Regina Book Award (Saskatchewan Book Awards). Shortlisted for the 2002 Gerald Lampert Award and longlisted for the 2002 ReLit Awards. A wide-ranging reckless intelligence, verbal audacity and irrepressible humour -- all these combine with a large-hearted embrace of existence in Ken Howe's poems. Whether they are observing, with fine ironic wit, the vagaries of domestic life, elegizing lost ones, or raised in celebration of musical compositions, they remind us of the need to address the world with all our faculties alert, including a language alive with its native energy and luminosity.

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