Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Cultural competency skills for psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselling professionals

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Cultural competency skills for psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselling professionals

Par :

Collection : Cultural competency skills

Editeur : Brush Education

Numéro de produit : 9781550596557

ISBN : 9781550596557

49,99 $

Les livres numériques seront disponibles pour télécharger dès votre paiement effectué.

* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Build your intercultural communication skills to ensure the best possible patient outcomes. Features embedded video with dramatizations of realistic health-care scenarios. Cultural Competency Skills for Psychologists, Psychotherapists, and Counselling Professionals teaches techniques for meeting the challenges of working with culturally diverse patients and their families. The skills professionals and students acquire through using this workbook will improve their communication and problem-solving abilities when working across cultures. The workbook provides eight learning modules based on realistic health-care scenarios, along with exercises and self-assessment tools.

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